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5 Steps to Build Confidence When Starting Your Health & Fitness Journey

Writer's picture: Daniela RadomanDaniela Radoman

So, the new year came and you told yourself you were going to work on your fitness this year. 

Maybe it was hitting up the gym, going to the rec centre to start swimming some laps, or maybe join the rock climbing gym nearby.

The only problem is that you’re uncomfortable, anxious, and nervous about actually going. 

Maybe you have no one to go with, or maybe you don’t know anybody there. Maybe it’s just that you’ve never been before and you don’t know what to expect.

Now it’s February and you’re still eyeing that resolution you told yourself earlier.

Here are 5 steps you can keep in mind that might help you with that extra push to get things moving.

  1. Step Out of Your Comfort Zone

As uncomfortable and maybe less-than-pleasant to hear on a post about building confidence in the gym, the first step is really just stepping out of your comfort zone.

This is the first and most challenging step for most people who are thinking of joining a gym, or starting a new activity or hobby.

Stepping in when you’re not familiar with the space, don’t know anyone, and when you don’t really know what you’re doing can be a challenge. 

But guess, what? Once you do that challenging thing once, you’re already starting to become more familiar with it. Each time you step a little further away you come back with new abilities. You start recognising some faces, the layout becomes a bit more familiar, you know where the water fountains are. You start building self-efficacy, and you start believing a bit more in yourself.

Taking on new challenges, even if they feel daunting, uncomfortable, or unfamiliar at first, can help build resilience.

  1. Just Show Up (You Said You Would After All…)

This can apply whether it’s your first time heading to the gym, or the hundredth time. When you tell yourself you’ll do something, make sure it gets done.

I like to think of this as making a promise to myself. I said I’d go get a workout in after work? I should go even if I’m feeling tired, lazy, and my favourite show just released new episodes on Netflix.

One way of keeping yourself accountable can be by using SMART goals (which we talked about in our New Year’s Resolutions article not too long ago - dig into it HERE).

Essentially, SMART goals just make your goals more specific and detailed, giving you a plan to follow rather than just winging it.

Whenever I don’t feel like exercising, I try to remind myself that I always feel better afterwards. Who regrets a workout anyway?

It’s common to not feel like getting your workout clothes on, heading out to the gym (or your basement if that’s where your gym is - like mine), and then picking up heavy things. But remind yourself, you may not feel like it right now, but once you’re there, once you’re moving, you’ll always feel better for it.

In essence, you want to become the most reliable person you know. And as Nike says, “just do it.”

  1. Consistent Action Grows Confidence

Ok, so you got your first visit at the gym out of the way and you got a bit of a feel for the place. 

The second time you go, you remember that the leg press machine is on the far left side of the gym. 

The third time you go, you played around with and figured out how to use that hack squat machine you’ve never tried out before. 

The fourth time you go, you start recognising that one gym-goer that seems to always be there when you’re there and you say hi. 

The fifth time you go, you’re able to muster up the courage to ask someone to work-in on a machine with them.

When you keep showing up you eventually get familiar with your surroundings and build confidence being there.

  1. Take Advantage of the Momentum

Once you’re on a roll you can really feel everything start to click. Especially when you embark on a new fitness journey - when you’re on a roll you just feel great.

You see your numbers go up on the weights you're using, you start noticing some muscles, you feel leaner, and you feel so much better than you did before. 

The consistent effort and the results you get from it create this positive feedback loop. 

This is where you’re really making progress, so you just have to keep going. Keep feeding that feedback loop and keep reaping the rewards. 

  1. Pay Attention to the Small Wins

Most people set big goals when they start something new - which is great! But giving focus to the small wins can be extremely beneficial.

Those small wins are your stepping stones to where you want to go, so they’re a great way to monitor your progress.

Not only that, they can be great for motivating yourself. 

You could only squat with 10lbs before but can now squat 20lbs? That’s double!

The last time you did pushups you could only crank out 8 but this time you were able to do 9? That’s still a jump and better than last time!

Maybe you were only getting one gym session a week but so far this month have been able to make it twice a week? You’re doubling the amount of training you’re doing!

It’s easy to overlook the small wins, but remember, the small wins add up to help complete the bigger picture of where you want to be. 


So, whenever you feel like you’re not ready to venture out and do that thing you’ve been wanting to do, or when you feel like you don’t fit in, or when you don’t even feel like going, try to remind yourself of these 5 steps you can take to get the ball rolling. 

Just get the ball rolling (get out of your comfort zone and show up), keep it rolling (stay consistent & momentum), and see where it lands (give those wins, whether big or small, some love). 

Remember, the best thing you can do for yourself is the thing you can do today.

Final Remarks

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Our goal at Delta Kinesiology is to help women reach their health and fitness goals. We specialise in conditions and injuries that women are more likely to experience, and we tailor the sessions using evidence-based principles and methods to help you reach your goals. Whether that be going about your day pain-free, building muscle, improving stamina, or feeling better about yourself, we are here to help.

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1 Comment

2 days ago

Great article. appreciation!

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